Luxembourg, December 17, 2024 – Corestate Capital Holding S.A. (Corestate) today announces changes to its Management Board and Supervisory Board. As part of its strategic realignment to focus on real estate asset and investment management for institutional clients, which is progressing according to plan, the company will concentrate exclusively on its holding function from 1 January 2025. In future, the two subsidiaries Hannover Leasing and STAM France will be responsible for operating business independently. Now that the restructuring has been largely completed and the subsidiaries are responsible for the operational business, Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Izabela Danner has therefore decided not to renew her contract, which expires at the end of the year, and to leave the company at her own request.

During her three years on the board, Izabela Danner was initially responsible for the transformation as COO and also took on the role of CIO. Together with Dr. Nedim Cen as the new CEO/CFO, she was instrumental in rescuing Corestate from imminent insolvency, restructuring the company and repositioning it strategically and operationally.

Dr. Nedim Cen, CEO and CFO of Corestate Capital Holding S.A.: “The pleasant cooperation with Izabela Danner over the past two years was characterized by a high degree of professionalism and collegiality. The financial restructuring, strategic realignment and operational transformation of Corestate would not have been possible without her expertise and execution skills. I would like to thank her for our successful cooperation and wish her all the best for her professional and personal future“.

Dr. Marian Berneburg, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, added: “We would like to thank Izabela Danner for her decisive support and consistent leadership of Corestate in very difficult times. The Supervisory Board wishes her all the best and continued success in her future professional and personal life“.

In addition to Izabela Danner’s departure from the Management Board, there will also be changes on the Supervisory Board. Restructuring expert Dr. Carlos E. Mack will leave the Supervisory Board on 31 December 2024 as the restructuring is completed. Also Dr. Bertrand Malmendier will step down at the end of the year. They will be succeeded by economic engineer Wolfgang Bauer and banking economist Andreas Uelhoff. Now that Corestate has found an auditor in KPMG, the Supervisory Board is strengthening its audit expertise with the appointment of Mr. Bauer, a highly experienced CEO/CFO and former auditor. Mr. Uelhoff will support the Board with his many years of experience in the financial sector and financing environment.

Über die Corestate Capital Holding S.A.

Corestate ist ein Investment und Asset Manager mit einem verwalteten Vermögen im Kerngeschäft von ca. 12 Milliarden Euro (31.12.2023). Das Unternehmen bietet Investoren über seine Immobilien-Plattform die Möglichkeit, in große gesellschaftliche Trends wie Urbanisierung, demografischer Wandel oder Nachhaltigkeit zu investieren, welche die Wohn-, Lebens- und Arbeitswelt langfristig weiter entscheidend beeinflussen werden. Die konsequente Fokussierung auf nachhaltig erfolgreiche Assetklassen ist ein zentraler Eckpunkt der Unternehmensstrategie. Mit über 100 Expertinnen und Experten hält Corestate für Kunden und Investoren ein breites Service- & Beratungsspektrum aus einer Hand bereit – von der Akquisition über das Management von Immobilien bis zum Verkauf. Corestate ist an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse notiert und mit Niederlassungen in Luxemburg, Frankfurt, München und Paris als Geschäftspartner für institutionelle und semi-institutionelle Investoren sowie vermögende Privatanleger tätig. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:
