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CORESTATE postpones Annual General Meeting

18. March 2020|

CORESTATE has announced today that in light of the pandemic spread of the Corona-Virus (SARS-CoV-2) and the associated extensive restrictions on travels and gatherings, it has to postpone its Annual [...]

Five questions to Lars Schnidrig

31. July 2019|

CEO Lars Schnidrig talking about what makes CORESTATE unique, drivers for the business – such as ESG - and goals for the future. [...]

PropertyEU Germany Investment Briefing / London

20. April 2018|

Audrey Klein, Managing Director International Institutional Clients, spricht über das Interesse ausländischer institutioneller Investoren am deutschen Immobilienmarkt. Investoren in Asien und dem Mittleren Osten zeigen nun erstmals seit zehn Jahren [...]

CORESTATE publishes preliminary financial result for 2017

20. February 2018|

CORESTATE has successfully concluded its first financial year after significant acquisitions: All operative and financial targets for 2017 were reached or exceeded. Aggregated revenues - including income from real estate [...]

CORESTATE Investor Day 2018

01. February 2018|

CORESTATE lud erstmals zu einem Investor Day mit Workshops nach Zürich ein. Das Programm bot spannende Rednern zu den aktuellen Themen im Bereich Immobilieninvestments. Der Einladung folgten über 40 Family [...]

IPE Real Estate Award für Indirect Strategy

23. May 2017|

CORESTATE Capital Group and Hannover Leasing sponsored the Award for Indirect Strategy, which was won by Allianz Real Estate. The IPE Real Estate Awards Dinner and Ceremony recognizes and rewards [...]

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